Dra. Lilis Komariyah, M.Pd.

  • NIP : 1959xxxxxxxx012001
  • Jabatan : Lektor Kepala
  • Pendidikan : S-1 = IKIP BandungS-2 = UPI Bandung
  • Alamat :
  • Email : lilis.komariyah@upi.edu
  • No HP :

Mata Kuliah

1. Pencak Silat 2. Kesehatan Olahraga 3. Pendidikan Kesehatan 4. I Gizi Olahraga 5. Literasi ICT dan Media Penjas 6. Kesehatan Olahraga

Bidang Keilmuan

Key Qualifications:

In accordance with the academic specifications that I have, my expertise is in the fields of physical education and health, especially for. Theoretically, the implications of this field of expertise are used to compile and develop various theoretical information in the form of scientific works, such as books, teaching materials, modules, and published articles published on a national and international scale. Whereas practically, it has been practiced in training or refresher of Physical Education teachers at both the regional and national levels. Currently, I am also a supervisor for undergraduate students.



Apart from being a lecturer, I am also actively involved in the world of refereeing, namely as a referee / judge of national and international women's artistic gymnastics. In sports organizations, he has been a Technical Commission for Women Artistic Development and also as a Technical Commission for Women's Artistic Development in the Regional Executive Board (PERSANI) Jawa Barat.


Master of Sports Education, Masters Program in Sports Education Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), Bandung, Indonesia. Year 2005

Bachelor of Sports Education, IKIP Bandung/Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI now), Bandung, Indonesia. Year 1987

Employment Record:

1989 until now, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia as Head Lector (Associate Professor) In the field of sports education, the main task is to implement aspects of the Tridharma of Higher Education, namely aspects of education, research, and community service in the field of developing and implementing sports pedagogy as a field of applied studies in sports activities.

2013-2017, All Indonesian Gymnastics Association / Persatuan Senam Seluruh Indonesia (PERSANI) Jawa Barat as the Women's Artistic Refresher Engineering Commission. Her main task is to socialize refereeing regulations in women's artistic gymnastics and also to evaluate in the form of refereeing on athlete performance.

2016-sekarang, All Indonesian Gymnastics Association / Persatuan Senam Seluruh Indonesia (PERSANI) Jawa Barat as the Women's Artistic Coaching Technique Commission. Its main task is to monitor the training process and conduct a series of tests and evaluations in collaboration with the refereeing sector.



  1. Komariyah, L., Nainar, A.A.A. and Sepdiana, C.F., 2020. The Effect of Religious Music Therapy on the Intensity of Menstrual Pain in Teenage Girls in Daarul Muttaqien II Islamic Boarding School Tangerang. Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan Indonesia [JIKI]4(1), pp.51-62.
  2. Komariyah, L. and Firdaus, A.R., 2018. Improvement of reading skills through the game’s crafting techniques on grade 1 elementary school. Collase (Creative of Learning Students Elementary Education)1(2), pp.75-84.
  3. Komariyah, L., 2011. Pengaruh Kegiatan Outbound Tehadap Pengembangan Kreativitas Siswa SMA Puragabaya Bandung. penjasor165.

Aktifitas lain

Membership of Professional Societies:

  • All Indonesian Gymnastics Association / Persatuan Senam Seluruh Indonesia (PERSANI)


  1. Komariyah, L., Nainar, A.A.A. and Sepdiana, C.F., 2020. The Effect of Religious Music Therapy on the Intensity of Menstrual Pain in Teenage Girls in Daarul Muttaqien II Islamic Boarding School Tangerang. Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan Indonesia [JIKI]4(1), pp.51-62.
  2. Komariyah, L. and Firdaus, A.R., 2018. Improvement of reading skills through the game’s crafting techniques on grade 1 elementary school. Collase (Creative of Learning Students Elementary Education)1(2), pp.75-84.
  3. Komariyah, L., 2011. Pengaruh Kegiatan Outbound Tehadap Pengembangan Kreativitas Siswa SMA Puragabaya Bandung. penjasor165.