Prof. Dr. Yudy Hendrayana, M.Kes., AIFO

  • NIP : 1962xxxxxxxx031004
  • Jabatan : Guru Besar
  • Pendidikan : S-1 = IKIP BandungS-2 = PPS UNPADS-3 = PPS UNJ
  • Alamat :
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Mata Kuliah

1. Evaluasi & Pemb Penjas 2. Atletik I 3. Perenc. Pembelajaran 4. Atletik II 5. DMP Altetik


Bidang Keilmuan

test and measurement of sports




Doktor Pendidikan Olahraga, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ), Indonesia, 2004

Magister Ilmu kedokteran dasar, Universitas Padjajaran Bandung 1999

Sarjana Pendidikan Olahraga, IKIP Bandung/Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI sekarang), Bandung, Indonesia, 1986.

Additional Training and Education

  1. Penataran Pelatih Atletik Jawa Barat, PENGDA PASI JABAR, 1990
  2. Penataran Wasit Atletik Jawa Barat, PENGDA PASI JABAR, 1991
  3. Penataran Pelatih Atletik Mahasiswa Nasional, Menpora RI, 1999
  4. Penataran Pelatih Atletik Nasional, PB PASI DAN MENPORA 1999
  5. Penataran Penerjemahan Buku-buku Ajar Perguruan Tinggi Berbahasa Inggris Nasional DIKTI, 2001
  6. Pelatihan Pengkajian Sport Development Index (SDI) Nasional, Yogyakarta MENDIKNAS Yogyakarta, 2004
  7. Pelatihan bagi Pelatih PPLM Cabang Olahraga Atletik Tingkat Nasional , MENDIKNAS Yogyakarta, 2004
  8. Penataran Penyusunan Proposal Penelitian, UPI, 2005
  9. Penataran Pembuatan Silabus/SAP/Hand Out, DIKTI, 2006
  10. Professional Development Training in ODL for Lectures of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia , UPI BANDUNG ,2006
  11. Pelatihan Pelatih Olahraga Tingkat Madya Cabang Olahraga Atletik Nasional, MENEGPORA dan PB PASI Jakarta, 2008
  12. Pelatihan Pelatih Olahraga Tingkat Madya Cabang Olahraga Atletik. ISORI dan Menegpora, MENEGPORA dan PB PASI Jakarta, 2008
  13. Training on Arrangement of the Competency Standard for Sportman Like: Menegpora, MENEGPORA dan PB PASI Jakarta, 2009
  14. Semiloka E Learning: Peningkatan Pembelajaran Berbasis ICT, UPI, 2008
  15. Penilaian Buku Teks Pelajaran SD/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/MA Pusat Perbukuan dan BSNP, MENDIKNAS, 2009
  16. Training on Verification of the Competency Standard for Sportman Like, MENEGPORA dan PB PASI Jakarta, 2009
  17. Pelatihan dan Fasilitasi Sistem Informasi Kepegawaian Biro Kepegawaian Kemdiknas Tahun 2010, DIKTI Kemdiknas, 2010
  18. Pelatihan Auditor Mutu Internal ISO 2008, UPI, 2014
  19. Pelatihan Sistem Akreditasi Perguruan Tinggi On Line BAN PT, DIKTI KEMENRISTEK, 2017

Employment Record

2020-sekarang, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia sebagai Departemen Pendidikan Olahraga

2014 sd 2016, SPS UPI, Ketua Program Studi POR S2 dan S3 SPS UPI.

2010 sd 2014, LPPM UPI, Kepala Pusat Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Kewirausahaan dan KKN LPPM UPI

2010 sd 2014, UPI, Anggota Sistem Penjaminan Mutu (SPM) UPI

2007 sd 2013, UPI, Tim pengembang kurikulum UPI.

2007 sd September 2007, Center For Research on International Cooperation in Education Development, CRICED University of Tsukuba, Peneliti  UNESCO CRICED Tsukuba University, Japan. Tahun 2007

2006 sd sekarang. DIKTI, ASESOR BAN PT

2006 sd. Sekarang, MENEGPORA RI, TIM Penyunting-Mitra bestari JURNAL  Menegpora

2007 sd 2014, PENGDA PASI Jabar, Ketua LITBANG (Penelitian dan Pengembangan)

2004 sd. 2007, FPOK UPI, Sekretaris Jurusan Pendidikan Olahraga

2001 – 2008, UPI, Sekretaris UPT Layanan Kesehatan



  1. Widyawan, D., Ma'Mun, A., Rahely, B. and Hendrayana, Y., 2020. Parents of Students with Disabilities Views in Learning Physical Education in Special Needs School. Qualitative Report25(4).
  2. Dewanti, R.A., Tarigan, B., Budiana, D., Hendrayana, Y. and Nur, L., 2020. Developing a New Model of Resistance-based Strength Train and Its Effects on Junior Athletes’ Tennis Serve Performance. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences8(5), pp.229-234.
  3. Wibowo, R., Sidik, D.Z. and Hendrayana, Y., 2017. The impact of assisted sprinting training (as) and resisted sprinting training (rs) in repetition method on improving sprint acceleration capabilities. Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga2(1), pp.79-86.
  4. Hendrayana, Y., 2015. The Roles of Kinesthetic Perception, Adaptation, and Agility in the Football Skills of Football School Students in Bandung City. SIPATAHOENAN1(1).
  5. Setiawan, L., Hendrayana, Y. and Mahendra, A., 2020. Pengaruh program motor cognitive coordination training terhadap gross motor skill dan working memory dalam pendidikan jasmani. Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan13(2), pp.94-109.
  6. Malik, A.A., Anggelia, D., Suherman, A. and Hendrayana, Y., 2018. The correlation between physical activity and body mass index (BMI) for adolescent student. International Journal of Research in Applied, Natural and Social Sciences6(5), pp.71-76.
  7. Tarigan, B., Hendrayana, Y. and Wijayanti, K.E., 2018. Implementasi Pendekatan Saintifik dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga: Dapatkah Meningkatkan Konsentrasi dan Kecerdasan Spasial Siswa Sekolah Dasar yang Tinggal di Daerah Pegunungan. Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga3(2), pp.136-141.
  8. Agustan, B., Kusmaedi, N., Hendrayana, Y., Abduljabar, B. and Ginanjar, A., 2020. Modifikasi pembelajaran: hybrid sport education-invasion games competence model terhadap performa permainan bola basket. Jurnal SPORTIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran6(1), pp.157-172.
  9. Ginanjar, S., Tarigan, B., Hendrayana, Y. and Juliantine, T., 2020, February. Enhancing Kinaesthetic Intelligence Using Project-Based Learning Models. In 4th International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2019)(pp. 75-78). Atlantis Press.
  10. Lugaya, Y.R., Ma’mun, A. and Hendrayana, Y., The Effect of Small-Sided Games on The Development of Student Leadership and Motivation. Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga5(2), pp.134-142.
  11. Hendrayana, Y., Negara, J.D.K., Nuryadi, A.G. and Lesyiana, M., 2020. The Impact of Beta Brain Waves in Improving Cognitive Function through Brain Jogging Applications.

Aktifitas lain

Membership of Professional Societies

  1. Ikatan Sarjana Pendidikan Indonesia (ISPI)
  2. Ikatan Sarjana Olahraga Indonesia
  3. Ikatan Alumni FPOK UPI


  1. Widyawan, D., Ma'Mun, A., Rahely, B. and Hendrayana, Y., 2020. Parents of Students with Disabilities Views in Learning Physical Education in Special Needs School. Qualitative Report25(4).
  2. Dewanti, R.A., Tarigan, B., Budiana, D., Hendrayana, Y. and Nur, L., 2020. Developing a New Model of Resistance-based Strength Train and Its Effects on Junior Athletes’ Tennis Serve Performance. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences8(5), pp.229-234.
  3. Wibowo, R., Sidik, D.Z. and Hendrayana, Y., 2017. The impact of assisted sprinting training (as) and resisted sprinting training (rs) in repetition method on improving sprint acceleration capabilities. Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga2(1), pp.79-86.
  4. Hendrayana, Y., 2015. The Roles of Kinesthetic Perception, Adaptation, and Agility in the Football Skills of Football School Students in Bandung City. SIPATAHOENAN1(1).
  5. Setiawan, L., Hendrayana, Y. and Mahendra, A., 2020. Pengaruh program motor cognitive coordination training terhadap gross motor skill dan working memory dalam pendidikan jasmani. Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan13(2), pp.94-109.
  6. Malik, A.A., Anggelia, D., Suherman, A. and Hendrayana, Y., 2018. The correlation between physical activity and body mass index (BMI) for adolescent student. International Journal of Research in Applied, Natural and Social Sciences6(5), pp.71-76.
  7. Tarigan, B., Hendrayana, Y. and Wijayanti, K.E., 2018. Implementasi Pendekatan Saintifik dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga: Dapatkah Meningkatkan Konsentrasi dan Kecerdasan Spasial Siswa Sekolah Dasar yang Tinggal di Daerah Pegunungan. Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga3(2), pp.136-141.
  8. Agustan, B., Kusmaedi, N., Hendrayana, Y., Abduljabar, B. and Ginanjar, A., 2020. Modifikasi pembelajaran: hybrid sport education-invasion games competence model terhadap performa permainan bola basket. Jurnal SPORTIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran6(1), pp.157-172.
  9. Ginanjar, S., Tarigan, B., Hendrayana, Y. and Juliantine, T., 2020, February. Enhancing Kinaesthetic Intelligence Using Project-Based Learning Models. In 4th International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2019)(pp. 75-78). Atlantis Press.
  10. Lugaya, Y.R., Ma’mun, A. and Hendrayana, Y., The Effect of Small-Sided Games on The Development of Student Leadership and Motivation. Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga5(2), pp.134-142.
  11. Hendrayana, Y., Negara, J.D.K., Nuryadi, A.G. and Lesyiana, M., 2020. The Impact of Beta Brain Waves in Improving Cognitive Function through Brain Jogging Applications.